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- Category: Knowledgebase
This error appears when trying to save an inventory item or work order with a weight factor that is outside of the range allowed in the settings. This is to avoid typo’s and mistakes when product weight is entered. There are three potential fixes for this error. First verify selected weight is corre
- Category: Knowledgebase
This occurs when users trans-load from a Railcar that has a ZERO starting weight. When the inventory detail report runs, it subtracts the trans-loaded weight from the available weight. When the starting weight is left ZERO, it causes a discrepancy.
- Category: Knowledgebase
Sometimes when using RIMS to manage rolling inventory, small rounding errors can accumulate. This can lead to errors such as RIMS reporting $.01 charges to shippers that don’t have any inventory stored on location. Fortunately RIMS has a feature to fix these rounding errors when they happen. This fe