Truck-Rail Handling Inc. (TRH) has partnered with Advanced Technical Innovations, Inc.

Truck-Rail Handling Inc. (TRH) has partnered with Advanced Technical Innovations, Inc. (ATI) to provide a multimodal logistics solution for the unique needs of our bulk transportation business. ATI’s RIMS software handles our rail-to-bulk truck transfer service. RIMS continues to provide a bridge between the operations side of the business and accounting by creating customer invoices that transfer to our accounting software. ATI has also provided TRH with customized reporting options.

ATI has been a valued partner of TRH since 2008. Whenever there is an issue, ATI is a phone call away with personalized technical support that is based in the United States. Without ATI, TRH would have difficulty meeting our information system needs for our highly-detailed, specific business. TRH looks forward to a continued partnership with ATI to meet our future growth opportunities.

Lee Schorno, President
Truck-Rail Handling Inc.

Lee Schorno, President
Truck-Rail Handling Inc.
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